BCMB Expands Retail Inspection Program
The BCMB – the Beverage Container Management Board, will be expanding our retail inspection program into Alberta liquor stores, beginning in April. As a retailer it can be stressful having a retail inspection completed. The BCMB has put together the attached information package that provides information such as what to expect when an inspector visits your location, steps taken during the inspection and what a retailer can do to become compliant. An FAQ section is also included to address common questions or concerns.
The BCMB has enhanced its focus on retail compliance with the reintroduction of the retail inspection program. Audits of retail locations are conducted across Alberta by third-party auditors – One Stop Shoppers Ltd. The program has been introduced to ensure that deposits are applied at the point of sale, all beverage containers being sold and/or distributed are registered with the BCMB, and to ensure compliance with the Advertising of Deposit Policy. Compliance by retailers is crucial to the integrity of the beverage container recycling system in Alberta and is a regulatory obligation under the Beverage Container Recycling Regulation and the BCMB’s Manufacturer and Retailer By-law.