What's New
Alberta expects to licence 250 cannabis stores in first year
Regulations released today outline who can own cannabis stores, where they can be located, rules for staff, safety and security requirements, and other operational details for private retailers. While the regulations will be established provincewide, municipalities will have the ability to adjust certain regulations.
Partner - Purolator
We are delighted to advise that Purolator and ALSA have struck a new agreement resulting in some substantial savings on delivery costs. All ALSA members are encouraged to review the program and sign up for savings. Just follow the directions on the attached document and let Purolator know you would like to participate in savings up to 67% on their standard rates.
From AGLC: In-store Tasting Policy
Effective March 2018
Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC) recently concluded a
review of the liquor tasting policy, which included an evaluation of existing
policy as well as consultations with industry associations.
As a result of this review, a number of changes were made to the tasting policy.
If you have any questions regarding the amendment to policy, please contact
the AGLC Compliance Branch at Inspections.mailbox@aglc.ca.
Specific areas where amendments were made or new policies introduced include:
Definition of a liquor tasting;
Tasting servers required to have ProServe certification;
Changes to maximum tasting sizes;
Agencies permitted to bring unfinished product to a tasting with prior
approval of the licensee;
Required information needed when conducting a tasting;
Increase in maximum staffing costs from $20 to $25 per hour;
Allow licensees to charge customers for cost recovery on items such as
the liquor product, complementary food items and staffing costs; and
Clarification of what the licensee’s cost of a product entails.
New MasterCard Fee
Effective May 1, 2018, Mastercard will introduce a Digital Commerce Development Fee of 0.02%
Details Here
AGLC Announces New CEO
ALSA is very happy to share that Alain Maisonneuve has been announced as the new CEO of the AGLC.
“Alain brings a steady hand to the helm of a complex organization. His first-hand experience and deep knowledge of the organization and its stakeholders will ensure stability in the system and provide industry with the confidence it requires moving forward. Alain has gained the respect and support from all liquor stakeholders in Alberta and we look forward to working with him.”
- Ivonne Martinez, President, ALSA
Changes to Special Event Licenses
Final details on the new Special Event License policy have been released.
All can now apply online to receive their license and liquor retailers are no longer relied upon to issue licenses
Full details here.

Press Release from president Ivonne Martinez
New Partner Announcement
ATB Group Financial Benefits Program
Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation
A Framework for the Legalization and Regulation of Cannabis in Canada - Report is complete.
The final report is complete, details can be found on the government website for the taskforce.
Alternatively download full report here.
Extensive benefits on personal banking including chequing accounts, annual savings accounts, ATB Mastercard, personal borrowing and investment plans.
Special Friendship Pays bonus of $350.00 with new chequing accounts and up to $150.00 for friend referral.
For more information about the benefits included in this
package please contact ALSA Member Services or your Group Financial Services
Operations and Sales Support Specialist or call (403) 974-2625.
Federal task force on legalization and regulation of cannabis
Media Updates:
"Marijuana Legalization Guidelines get high marks in Alberta"
"ALSA advocates for alcohol industry's involvement in the sale of legalized marijauna"
Breaking News
National Post
Op-Ed - July 5 2018
It's time for Ontario to step into the present and follow Alberta's lead on booze
From the City of Edmonton Cannabis Legalization Team
The City of Edmonton will begin accepting additional development permit applications for cannabis retail sales by email on a first-come, first-served basis beginning August 28, 2018 at 8AM.
Alberta expects to licence 250 cannabis stores in first year
Regulations released today outline who can own cannabis stores, where they can be located, rules for staff, safety and security requirements, and other operational details for private retailers. While the regulations will be established provincewide, municipalities will have the ability to adjust certain regulations.
Liquor store association wants quick end to Alberta-B.C. trade war
BC wines account for a significant amount of liquor sales in Alberta. Last year over 1.4 million cases of BC wines were sold by our liquor retailers, worth about $70 million. This will definitely affect the sales volume in many stores and ALSA hopes this trade dispute can be resolved expeditiously.
In the meantime, our members will continue to serve Albertans and will be happy to recommend wine options from other Canadian jurisdictions and from around the world. With the widest selection of liquor and wine products in Canada…over 24,000 available in Alberta, retailers can take this opportunity to highlight the amazing range of products in Alberta.
ALSA shares impact boycott will have on retailers.
Watch Now
Edmonton Journal Rebuttal
Alberta Liquor Store Association rebuttal to Edmonton Journal Editorial, January 19th, 2018
By Ivonne Martinez
As in the Edmonton Journal
Moneris Update:
Visa Stored Credential Transaction Framework
Visa recently introduced the new Stored Credential Transaction Framework for merchant-initiated transactions and cardholder-initiated transactions. The Framework forms part of the Visa Rules.
Overview: Read More
Payment Update: Read More
2018 Connect Logistics Service Rate Structure
The Board of the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC) has approved the 2018 rate structure proposed by Connect Logistics Services, Inc. (Connect).
ALSA is looking forward to participating in the debate on this important legislation and further demonstrating to all Albertans that private liquor retailers are best suited to safely and responsible sell legalized cannabis products.
Cannabis Legislation: Read More
ALSA Statement: Read More
Marijuana to be sold through private stores in Manitoba
Recent Policy Change:
Licensed Theatres
Effective immediately, licensed theatres have the option of selling liquor in the seating area of their premises. The seating area of a theatre no longer has to be minors prohibited. All licensed theatres have received a policy bulletin outlining this change.
Non-Medical Cannabis
Alberta Liquor Stores have been preparing for this moment since 1993
For over two decades, the members of the Alberta Liquor Stores Association (ALSA) have been selling alcohol, the only legal controlled substance in Canada, safely and responsibly in the Province.
We have a proven record of safely delivering alcohol to Albertans daily, thanks to trained staff, responsible marketing communications and genuine connections to the communities we live and operate in. This is our home too and we want to make sure our children are protected and that controlled substances, whether alcohol or recreational marijuana, are distributed and sold safely.
ALSA believes the current Alberta Liquor Model, which provides for public distribution oversight and government-regulated private retail stores meets the main policy objectives of the Alberta Government:
Keep cannabis out of the hands of children and youth • Protect public health • Promote safety on roads, in workplaces and in public spaces • Limit the illegal cannabis market
Full ALSA Submission to Cannabis Secretariat
Study on Crash Fatality Rates after Cannbis Legalization in WA and CO
Colorado on Cannabis: Studies after legalization